Good luck everyone on your exam Friday! I'm sure all your hard work will pay off.
Just a couple of tips for your last week before D-Day:
1.) Don't let up now. You have come this far, so put everything you have into this week reviewing. After taking the test, you will be glad you did. Just think... in less than a week from now, you will have a... LIFE!
2.) Study groups are a great way to review during this week.
3.) Try to get as much sleep as possible Thursday night. A 3-hour test will only get worse if you are having trouble keeping your eyes open. Avoid last minute cramming!
4.) If you happen to have an "illness" Friday morning and miss the beginning of the day, you won't be the only one. These "AP morning illnesses" are common, and a cure has yet to be found. However, this likely won't be an issue since this year's exam is in the morning and not afternoon. :)
5.) After the test: CELEBRATE! You did it! You are a true survivor of AP Euro! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Be sure to fill out the brief "Survivor" survey ( following the exam to be featured on this website! :)